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The Truth is Out There: Misinformation, Alternative Facts, and Fake News: Filter Bubble

What Is...?

Eli Pariser: Your filter bubble is your own personal, unique universe of information that you live in online. And what's in your filter bubble depends on who you are, and it depends on what you do.

Filter Bubble - you and I, we don't see the same.

confirmation bias is a type of cognitive bias that involves favoring information that confirms previously existing beliefs or biases. 

Chainsawsuit Comic - confirmation bias

Given that social media has become an integral component of the political process during a time of dramatic polarization, there is a concern that the digital world has become a means to filter out opposing opinions from one’s personal online universe – creating an “echo chamber" (West and Karsten, "Inside The Social Media Echo Chamber").

My way or the highway.

You Are What You Read

Filter Bubble - My Feed, Your Feed

The Invention of the Echo Chamber

If you are an average American with access to the internet, you consume a big portion of your news through Social Media — 62% of us get news this way. Facebook’s news feed is now the primary driver of traffic to news sites (Rose-Stockwell, "How We Broke Democracy").

Blue Feed, Red Feed

WSJ'S Blue Feed, Red Feed shows readers stories from the extremes of the political spectrum. Users can toggle between a changing set of topics, in this case “Affordable Care Act” that shows stories from sources that are frequently shared by “very conservative” and “very liberal” Facebook users.