SAGE Explorer

Using SAGE Video in the Classroom

Do you want to spark engaging academic discussions with with your students? Are you teaching an online course and want to include videos in your learning modules that will not disappear on you? SAGE Video offers the following:

  • Our editorially curated discipline collections are intended to support key course needs with videos that are mapped to curricula specific course, programs, and degree outcomes. 
  • A multitude of experts and voices contribute to our content including academics, practitioners, and students as well a host of others from a variety of different backgrounds and contexts, including authors and editors from other SAGE resources. 
  • A broad range of video types are found within each collection, from documentaries to tutorials and video cases to in-practice footage support teaching and learning at all levels.
  • All videos are designed to be incorporated into a variety of different course environments and to be integrated into different LMS.

Did you know that 92% (SAGE Global Surveys, 2014) of faculty use video in class, according to a number of global surveys of faculty across disciplines. With SAGE Video you can:

  • Stream new educational videos for your class tied to the curriculum
  • Create clips of longer videos and save them for your class
  • Build playlists of recommended videos for courses
  • Embed videos in your BlackBoard or LMS course page
  • ​All content in SAGE Video can be filtered by subjects within standard course curricula outlined with the discipline-specific collections


Get a quick overview on how to access video embed codes and use those codes to embed video content in an LMS or other online space.

This 3-minute video teaches you how to create a custom video clip in SAGE Video as well as how to access embed codes and share links for custom clip content for use in an LMS or other online space.

These instructor manuals are designed to aid educators using SAGE Video content within their teaching practices with examples of how to teach different topics using the videos in our collections.

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