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Reserve a Room

Library Spaces Reservation Policy

EKU Libraries allows current EKU Faculty, Staff, and Students to reserve and use library spaces when not in use by EKU Libraries.

Main Library Lobby Outreach Tables Terms of Use

  • Library-provided tables are to be used solely by persons representing university affiliated groups, services, organizations, or departments.
  • Tables must remain in the Lobby near the Main entrance of John Grant Crabbe Library where they are set up.
  • Users are expected to occupy their tables for the entire time period requested.
  • Do not affix banners or fliers to the walls of the library. The use of display boards (provided by the user) is encouraged. EKU Libraries will supply 1 Dry Erase Board for use during the reservation. 
  • Activities must fall in line with appropriate noise levels for the area.
  • Sales or distribution of items is not permitted.
  • Users are responsible for taking reasonable measures to ensure the cleanliness of library facilities.
  • Items used during your reservation must be removed at the end of your reservation time. Users are responsible for leaving the tables in the same condition as when they arrived.
  • EKU Libraries is not responsible for the security of any items used during your reservation.
  • EKU Libraries reserves the right to refuse the use of tables at any time, based on criteria outlined in the University’s Student Code of Conduct, Faculty Handbook, Staff Handbook, or library policies.

Library Spaces Scheduling Procedures

John Crabbe Grant Main Library

  • Reservations can be made from Reserve a Room
  • Confirmation will be sent within 48 hours for spaces that require stafff approval
  • Reservations will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis
  • Instructors are limited to five reservations for each course
  • Rooms can be scheduled up to three hours per day and up to three days per week
  • You must obtain Public Performance Rights if showing a film or recording to anyone not included on the class roster
  • To request special permission to reserve spaces that are not listed, please email