SAGE Research Methods

Additional Help Guides

Using Reading Lists in Research Methods

Looking to create a custom list of resources related to research methods?

Interested in saving the readings, videos, or cases you found?

Create a custom Readings List for your current research project or a particular course.

Explore Reading Lists

You can search Reading Lists created by other SAGE Methods users.

Example Method: Online Surveys

Browse by Discipline

There are lots of disciplines using surveys for research. If you want to read materials curated for your discipline, use this option. This video contains no narration.

Build a Reading List

Very important: Create a username and password for SAGE Research Methods.

sage research methods homepage with My Profile outlined, create and sign into your account when creating a reading list

Already reviewing content

When you're reviewing results from a search, either one completed through the Methods Map, or the main search box, you can create your own Reading Lists! Add to either an existing list or create a new list. Watch the video below to see this in action.This video contains no narration

One more thing

When creating your own Reading Lists, you can set them to private or public. Private still allows you to share the reading list with others, but is not available to all users of SAGE Research Methods. If you set your list to public, anyone searching Reading Lists would be able to view the list you created.

How to share Reading Lists

Do you have a Reading List you want to share with a project partner, student, or an entire course? See how to share your custom list with others in the example below.

Select your name, next to Signed in, to View My Profile.

View my Profile pop-up screen

Pick a Reading List & share ...

You can choose to share a reading list by emailing the list to someone.

Email a Reading List

reading list with Share option open to email form

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