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Printers are located on every floor of the Main Library and Business Library.  Students, faculty and staff are allotted $25.00 in printing each semester.  The Libraries participate in the Pharos Printing System supported by EKU Information Technology.

Cloud Printer

  • You can print from a personal laptop the Cloud Printer. You will need to install a printer driver to your personal PC/Mac. We have a Cloud printer available on the second floor of the Business Library.  The other Cloud printer is located on the second floor of Crabbe Library across from the Access Circulation desk.  AFTER 48 HOURS your print job will no longer be available.

Color Laser Printer

  • Prints in high quality color prints on white paper only.  The printer is located on the second floor of the Crabbe Library across from the Access Circulation desk.

Regular Black Later Printer

  • The are located in the Business Library and Main Library.

How much does it cost to print?

Single sided $0.10
Double sided $0.15
Color pages $0.75

Printing Refund

  • Print-outs that are smudged, faded, streaked, creased or spotty are eligible for a refund.

Printing Refund Request Fund:  Please email Jacob Williams at  Please provide proof of bad print.