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Legislative History Research

  1. Act: Legislation that has passed both houses of Congress and has been either approved by the President, or has passed Congress over his veto, thus becoming law.

  2. Bill:  Formally introduced legislation.  Labeled as H.R. (House of Representatives) or S. (Senate), depending on where they are introduced. They are also numbered in the order that they are introduced during each Congress.

  3. Hearing Records: Witnesses oral/written statements, committee Q&As, statements and exhibits submitted by interested parties.

  4. Committee Prints: Research reports prepared by committee staff, consultants, the Library of Congress, and others.

  5. House or Senate Documents: Miscellaneous category including communications from the President, reports of committee activities, etc.

  6. Committee Reports: Description & analysis of the bill, discussion of its background, committee's findings/recommendations, text of recommended bill, minority views, recommended costs.

  7. Floor Debates & Proceedings: Statements made and/or actions taken in a chamber of Congress.

  8. Presidential Messages: Signing statements or veto messages.