What is Dr. Becky's full name?
How would you describe Dr. Becky's domain knowledge? (What kind of education and experience does she have?)
Do you think Dr. Becky is a good source of information on the topic of dark matter and astrophysics? Why or why not?
Link (Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/medicalmedium/p/BxpDcDAJTaN/
What is the Medical Medium's real name?
Do you think the Medical Medium is a reliable source of health information? Why or why not?
Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuibFFvhfYo or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZgO7noKRIM
What is the name of the source of this Instagram video?
Do you think this is a trustworthy source? Why or why not? What lateral reading strategy did you use?
Exercises taken from CTRL-F's Digital Media Literacy Resources.