Research Resources for Biology

Free Online BIO Tools & Software

Looking for free tools to help you study or understand biology topics? See below for a list of tools that can help you map the biological sequences, compare sequences, look at molecular structures, manipulate protein modeling, and statistical data. 

Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST)
Finds regions of similarity between biological sequences and compares nucleotide or protein sequences to sequence databases and calculates the statistical significance. 

Protein Data Bank
Database of molecular structures. Also contains a free Chemical Sketch Tool.

Mol* (/'molstar/) is a modern web-based open-source toolkit for visualisation and analysis of large-scale molecular data. Click on the Open Mol* Viewer to add your own or scroll down to view examples. 

Free online platform that aims to make protein modelling accessible to all life science researchers worldwide. 

Free online software that allows you to dock molecules into proteins. 

Software for model assessment.