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Say My Name Transcription Project: Faculty Resource Guide

A guide for faculty who are having their classes transcribe historical documents for "Say My Name: Identifying the African Americans Enslaved at White Hall"

Overview of Dashboard

As a faculty participant, you will have ownership of your own project (the set of historical documents that your class is transcribing). This provides you with access to all the review and collaboration tools available in FromThePage. The following screenshot shows the overview of the project page, known as the "Dashboard". It shows each item in the project (e.g. 2023a013-b05-f01-i01) and the status of that item's transcription underneath. Incomplete documents will always be at the top of the list. Notes created by students can also be seen here in the right column under "Recent Notes", as well as a stream of activity by students under "Recent Edits". The tabs that will be most useful for grading the project are circled in red (Forum, Review, and Collaborators).

word cloud created from a single documentFeel free to explore the other options available. There are some interesting options for exporting to various data analysis tools, one of which creates a word cloud from a document.

Screenshot of the From the Page dashboard

Transcription Tips

  • Transcribers must be in the "Transcribe" tab to be able to work. While you can see the document and any transcribed text in the "Overview" tab, you can't make any changes to the text.
  • The icons in the document window allow transcribers to manipulate the document by zooming in or out, fitting the width, opening in a new browser window or full screen, rotating right or left, and enhancing brightness and contrast. As soon as you save your work, the brightness and contrast settings revert back to the original.
  • "Save" and "Done" buttons are on the right. Save work frequently and hit "Done" when the transcription is complete. 

Forum Tab

The Forum tab shown below will also show "Page Notes" made by students as well as a "General" discussion board and a "Help" board. There is also the ability to add additional message boards by clicking "Create a New Messageboard". None of the message boards are required, but could be used to generate discussion about what is being transcribed.

Screenshot of the Forum tab

Review Tab

The Review tab shown below gives some basic statistics on pages available, transcribed and ready to review. "New Contributors" takes you to a list of contributors and the number of contributions which includes transcriptions, edits and reviews. Clicking on a contributor name shows all pages the student worked on. "Works to Review" shows a list of documents with all the students who have worked on the document. Multipage documents could have many students listed here.

Screenshot of the Review tab

Collaborators Tab

The Collaborators tab shown below shows a list of students that were assigned to the project, and again, it is possible to see what each student has done by clicking on their name. From this tab it is also possible to download a spreadsheet with the activity of each student including the total time they spent. The time spent per user is also shown if you scroll farther down the page.

Screenshot of the Collaborators tab