Browse, share, and download digital images from the National Gallery of Art collections. NGA contains more than 43,000 open access digital images.Up to 3000 pixels each are available free of charge for download and use.
Creative Commons SearchThis site provides links to a host of sites and organizations that have agreed to some leniency of copyright protection.
Digital HistoryThe materials included in the Digital History website are original works of authorship, government records, works for which copyright permission has expired, works reprinted with permission, or works that are within the fair use protection of the copyright laws.
Flickr CommonsThe result of a collaboration between Flickr and the Library of Congress to host historical photographs that have "no known copyright restrictions" in order to make it easier to view historical photographs. Ideal for projects that revolve around history and culture.
Pics4LearningPics4Learning is a safe, free image library for education. Teachers and students can use the copyright-friendly photos and images for classrooms, multimedia projects, web sites, videos, portfolios, or any other project in an educational setting.
The thousands of photos in this collection are approved for use in the classroom and indexed and sorted in order to maximize their effective use by students in a 21st century classroom.
While the photographers retain the rights to these photos, they have graciously allowed their use through this collection.
PixabayPixabay is a repository for outstanding public domain images.
You can freely use any image from this website in digital and printed format, for personal and commercial use, without attribution requirement to the original author.
Wikimedia CommonsA database of over 23 million freely usable media files to which anyone can contribute