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Nursing Research Guide

Library resources for the School of Nursing

Searching by Author & Theory

As both a student and as a practitioner you will likely conduct many online databases searches on topics by using keywords; however, you may find you want or need to locate the work of a particular author and/or focus in on a particular author's work in a specific area.

For example, using the Advanced Search screen in the CINAHL database (or any EBSCOHost branded database):

  • Enter the last name and initial(s) in the first search box.
  • Use the drop-down menu next to that search box to switch from the default keyword search [label: Select a Field] to an author search [label: AU Author]

You can add at a focus area or theory to an author search by adding the focus or theory as a keyword to an author search. Just add the theory or focus to the search box under the search you've changed to search by AU Author. You can leave the drop-down menu option for that box set to Select a Field, which defaults to a keyword search.

For example, a search for Rosemarie Rizzo Parse's Human Becoming Theory might look like this:

  • BOX 1: parse rr [AU Author]
  • BOX 2: human becoming

CINAHL search for "parse rr - AU Author" AND human becoming.

Tip: Want to learn more about how to track down nurses and their theories? Check out Theorist's Primary Sources on the NSC 840/940 Course Guide!