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Colonel Oasis

The EKU IT Geek Colonel Oasis is a space where students can take a break from studying, exams, or just life in general. The space provides stress-relief activities and materials--massage chair, yoga mats, puzzles, color sheets, and origami materials.

Sleeping Well

Photo by Jonathan Fink on Unsplash

The one thing young people often deprive themselves of is sleep!  From sleeping less to insomnia, the importance of a good night's sleep can not be overstated.  According to an article from UC Berkeley (2008), how many hours of sleep you get per week has an impact on your GPA (more sleep=higher GPA).   The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) also reports on the lack of sleep and its effects on academic performance!

How can you get a better night's sleep?

  • Go to bed at a time when you can get the 7-9 hrs you need each night.
  • If you don't fall asleep after 15 mins get up and do something to help you relax until you feel sleepy.
  • Don't nap every day.  Those will affect you falling asleep at night.
  • Keep your daily routine 365 (every day of the year).  If you do this, it becomes easier.
  • Don't do activities like homework, playing games, or watching TV on your bed.  Only use the bed for sleep and sex.
  • Don't drink caffeine 6 hours before bedtime.  Don't use nicotine, alcohol, decongestant stimulants, or diet pills 4 hours before bed.
  • Ditch the electronics and bright lights at least 15-30 minutes before bed.  Going to bed and trying to sleep with a phone in your hand isn't a good idea.
  • Don't eat anything more than a healthy snack after your last meal of the day and no more than 2 hours before bed.
  • Don't exercise the 2 hours before bed either.
  • Keep your room as dark, cool, and quiet as you can. Use earplugs and eye covers. 
  • Structure your academic work using a weekly/semester calendar and priority lists to stretch out the work over 7 days at a time so you are not cramming or trying to work all night on an assignment.

Why is this important (other than my GPA)?  What other issues can arise from lack of sleep?

  • Lower GPA and poor academic performance (poor memory and concentration)
  • Increased weight gain/obesity
  • Increased depression and anxiety
  • Poor performance in activities that require coordination - athletics, driving
  • More stress
  • More flu and colds
  • Mood swings
  • Higher risk of diabetes 
  • Increased risk of high blood pressure and lung disease
  • Greater risk of accidents 

Sleep Disorders--Do I have one?

  • Insomnia.  
  • Obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Restless leg.
  • Narcolepsy.


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