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Library Searching and Database Help for Faculty

General Database Information

EKU Libraries subscribes to thousands of online resources for EKU students, faculty, and staff, via databases that include eBooks, articles, streaming videos, and other types of content. Browse the A-Z list of Databases to see what we have (screenshot below). 

TIP:  You can narrow down databases by letter of the alphabet (A-Z list at the top), subject, database type, or vendor.


Need help?  A great place to start for general help with our databases is EKU Libraries' Database Help guide.

Refer to the following EKU Libraries' FAQs when working with and in databases:


Look for the phrase Find Full Text when a full text PDF or HTML option is not readily available.  The Find Full Text link will often "find" the article in full text in another database if it is not readily available in the database you are searching in. Or,if not available, it will allow you to request the title via Library Express (See image below.)


Don't forget about Google Scholar; it counts as a database, too! 

When using Google Scholar, click the Find Full Text at EKU link on the right if a full text PDF or HTML option is not readily available. The Find Full Text at EKU link will usually lead you to the full text of the article as it is available in one of EKU Libraries' databases.  (See image below.)



Using Databases in the Classroom

What is it?

A permalink or persistent link is a URL that is intended to remain unchanged and is less likely to stop working and lead to an error page.  Permalinks or persistent links allow you to link to library-owned articles, e-books, and videos with Blackboard.

How do I use a permalink or persistent link in Blackboard?

The way in which you will link to a library resource in Blackboard depends on which platform the resource is located in. Generally, the address in the browser toolbar is NOT a persistent link, but rather a session link. For more detailed information on grabbing correct persistent links from various databases, please visit the full Permalinks guide.

For a comprehensive look at the different places permalinks can be located within different databases, please visit EKU Libraries' Permalinks guide.


Below are a few examples of where to find permalinks you can use in your Blackboard courses for:

  • Streaming videos in Alexander Street Academic Video
  • Ebooks found in EBSCO databases
  • Articles found in JSTOR


NOTE: These examples are a small representation of the different places permalinks can be located within some databases and are only meant to serve as a snapshot of what to look for.  If you're having trouble, please either consult the Permalinks guide, reach out to your library liaison, or contact the library through one of our Ask Us! services.

Alexander Street Academic Video

Click on Share then Copy Embed Code and use the code to embed the video directly into your Blackboard course shell. 

Screenshot of vendor webpage. Arrows point to "Share" at top right of screen and "Copy Embed Code" at the bottom of the screen.


If you need the permalink itself, copy the URL from the address bar. 

Screenshot of vendor webpage. Arrows point to "Share" at top right of screen and "Copy Permalink" at the bottom of the screen.

The link should look like this: 

Ebooks found in EBSCO databases

To get the persistent link for an article or ebook in an EBSCOhost database or the EDS library search, first click the "Permalink" link located in the Tools column, to the right of the record. 

EBSCOhost Persistent Link Step One


The persistent link will appear at the top of the record. 

Articles in JSTOR

To get the persistent link for an article on JSTOR, select "URL with Proxy" on the left side of the page.

Screenshot of JSTOR article page with arrow pointing to "URL with Proxy" link.


This is what the persistent link will look like: 

Copyright is complex and complicated.  Be sure to check out EKU Libraries' Copyright guide for an in-depth look at copyright and what you should be mindful of.


Quick Links:


Have questions or would like some more guidance?  Please contact Linda Sizemore at


Frequently Asked Questions About Copyright


Is it copyright infringement to reproduce music from YouTube for use in class? 

  • There is no reason to reproduce the music. Instead, link to the video because there is no copying of the music. Section 110(2), known as the TEACH Act, permits the performance of nondramatic music in a nonprofit education institution as a part of instruction, so the performance is permitted. Reproducing the music is not.

What items can I use without having to obtain permission? 

  • Self-authored material (unpublished): Since you are the copyright holder you can use it as you wish (Be aware that self-authored materials that have been published are subject to the terms of copyright stated in the publishing contract).
  • Government Publications: Publications of the United States government are considered public domain and, therefore, can be used freely.
  • Items in the public domain: If an item has passed into the public domain, it is no longer protected by copyright and can be used without limitation, currently pre-1927.
  • Open access material: Many authors create material that is intended to be used and shared freely. In most cases, all the author asks is an acknowledgement of the source of the item.
  • Materials in EKU Libraries’ Digital Collections: Remember that linking to an item is an easy way to make an item available without having to enter into a discussion of copyright. Since a link is simply pointing someone toward an item and not making a copy of the item (which is the point at which copyright comes into play) you do not have to obtain permission.

How much of a work can I copy?

  • In the past, best practices have recommended no more than 10% of a work. This generally equals one chapter in a book, one article per journal issue or three minutes of video. A recent court decision, Cambridge University Press, et. al., wanted a more nuanced approach to fair use analysis. This decision leads to even murkier decision making regarding using copyrighted material in the classroom. The most reasonable approach to the fair use quandary is “less is better.” 10% of a work has been regarded as a reasonable amount, more may be regarded as unreasonable. The clearest idea that has emerged from this decision is that a fair use analysis of the educational purpose and goal of the use of the work should be applied. This makes it difficult to develop clear standards about the usable amount and difficult for day-to-day decisions.


We recommend using WorldCat Discovery to search for and request any books not currently owned by EKU Libraries.


Just remember that results are sorted based on our library holdings, so if you're having issues finding a record for a non-owned book, try adjusting the "Sort by" field (located near the top of the left-hand column) to "Best Match" instead of "Library".